Wednesday, April 21, 2010


At about noon today, I envisioned the following introduction to this post:

Every day I learn a new type of hell. They should call working for Muzzi a type of theology course, because I am now an expert on what it's like to be in hell. The following conditions and issues make it hellish day in and day out (while each day is a unique mode of hell).

1. low blood sugar while working
2. need to pee while working
3. not knowing what to do, or what we are doing, are what I should do next, or why we are doing what we are doing
4. dealing with people
5. hard work beyond what I would be able to do if it weren't my job
6. long hours, involving boredom, waiting, pacing, fucking around, doing nothing, wasting time, and breaking the rules, all for an extra hour on the paycheck
7. yeah

But now I have been enlightened by my Capitan Victor, and he tells me:

Today we did nothing, yo. We didn't do shit!

Oh. Now I get it. It's all starting to make sense, landscaping and all. Oh yeah, the seventh thing that makes it hell: jam'n 94.5 all day yo. Daddy's home, tonight I'm gonna ride you, call me Mr. Flinstone cause I'll make your bed girl bad, my girl good, my chick do things your chick wish that she could....

Yo, where'd my brain go, yo? But actually, Victor's a lot smarter than me, and he tells me, "I don't care what anybody say, Will. You're all right. You know that Will? You're all right." You see, Victor's a really good worker and he's been on this job for 5 years longer than me. And he's 4 years younger than me. That adds up to 9 years smarter than me.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Today was a rainy day. I talked with Howie under the porch about how "there's only just so much playing video games and fucking you can do before you just get bored. You want to get out of the house and get a job." I told Howie that I completely agree, although I didn't have exactly the same problem as he did.

In the morning I got the idea of using an old set of stairs to let us down into the trench for digging. The stairs slid down the mud into the well perfectly, as if they were made for just that occasion. The digging was off and on, with spurts of progress mixed with long intervals of hacking at hard mud and not getting much deeper. A lot of time was also spent standing around. This was going on in my brain, an idea for a new rap:

Take a shit, yo, in yo pants, then you do a dance, take a shit yo, at a school, don't you know it's cool? Take a shit, yo, in yo pants, then you do a dance, take a shit yo, at a school, isn't greatness cool? Don't you know, bro, take a shit, drop em pants and go, don't you know, foo, at ain't cool, dat you stay in school? All my brothers say, I'm a load, dat I'm gettin old, but I tell em lookin fellum I ain't what a momma said....(chorus)....Look foo, dis a rule, take a shit inside em pants, if you can't foo, do a dance, den em fall em ants. All em troubled fools wit em rules, dis I only one: take a shit foo, in yo pants, it is really fun (chorus). Look foo, do what Jimmy do, he em drop em pants, what you say, foo, that ain't cool, I said in em pants (chorus)....etc. I think you get the idea.

These are all of my favorite songs as of today:

etc. I will try not to bore people to death.

Today I read the next paragraph in Luke, Luke 17:20-21. "For behold, the kingdom of God is among you." This was refreshing to hear at lunch in Winthrop, since I wasn't exactly "observing" anything spectacular, as Jesus says it is. After work I read the next section, Luke 17:22-37, about the final judgment and the coming of the Son of Man. "Where the body is, there also the vultures will gather." "Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it." I also read point 2352 in the Catechism on masturbation.

2352 By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action."137 "The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, outside of marriage is essentially contrary to its purpose." For here sexual pleasure is sought outside of "the sexual relationship which is demanded by the moral order and in which the total meaning of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love is achieved."138

To form an equitable judgment about the subjects' moral responsibility and to guide pastoral action, one must take into account the affective immaturity, force of acquired habit, conditions of anxiety or other psychological or social factors that lessen, if not even reduce to a minimum, moral culpability.

I responded to Tatiana's response to my facebook message. We are talking about the movie pi, which she said was her favorite movie a year and a half ago when we went out to a restaurant in Harvard Square.

John should be sleeping over tomorrow.

I spent 15 minutes doing mental prayer in the weight room of the condominium (there's only old people here, and no one's ever in the weight room.

I'd like to make a movie called "In da Hermitage." I had a better idea at work today, but I forget it.....etc.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today I raked up the blue spray lines that Victor had messed up on. Tatiana emailed me back. This relationship will last until she finds out that I don't have car insurance. We were (my group was) painting the lines for a ultimate frisbee field (we made it 100 yds. by 40, with each of the endzones 25 yards), when the forman Chris told my buddy Julius to go take a lap.

After work I read Luke 17:11-19, "Where were the other nine?" and points 2427 and 2428 from the Catechism on the sanctification of work.

After that I went to Panera, got a double espresso ("you want one shot or two?" "Two."), and stopped by Walgreens to pick up some essentials (gummy worms, gummy bears, double bubble, pistachios, cookies....).

When I got home I went on facebook and talked to Abe George about stickball. I proceeded to check my email. Then Rafael came home, and asked me to help him carry up a quote "shitload" of groceries that he had just purchased at Stop and Shop (with great prudence and fortitude, two of the cardinal virtues. The others are justice and temperance). I am not implying that Rafael did not also excercize the other two cardinal virtues. I am simply stating that Rafael purchased a quote, "shitload" of groceries, and belched them onto our kitchen table.

Now our refrigerator looks like a somewhat "normal" one, with cans of things you can't immediately identify and say, "that's mayonaisse" or "that's ketchup. It's been almost gone for months now." No, rather, our refrigerator is packed with cans of normal things like mayonaisse, mustard, ketchup, A1, butter, etc.